Bob Ross Age and Birthday

Bob Ross Age and Birthday

Would you like to know Bob Ross’s Age and Birthday date? Bob Ross was born on 29 october, 1942 in Florida.

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Iconic American painter and former television host of Public Television’s The Joy of Painting. His famous perm came about when he needed to save money and he was looking for a way around haircuts.

He served in the U.S. Air Force. During this period, he first experienced the Alaskan landscape when he was stationed on Elmendorf Air Force Base. Alaska would become a recurring theme in his artistic work. He was inspired to paint after seeing The Magic World of Oil Painting, the show hosted by his future mentor, Bill Alexander.

He used his television fame to launch a successful brand of art supplies and instructional books.

He grew up with a half-brother, Jim, whom he would reference on his show. He was married two times, to women named Jane and Vicky. He had three children: Bob, Morgan and Steve.

His warm, soft-spoken instructional style bears comparison to that of fellow television personality Rogers.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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