Erick Seva Age and Birthday

Erick Seva Age and Birthday

Do you want to know Erick Seva’s Age and Birthday date? Erick Seva was born on 4 january, 1998 in Philippines.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Do you want to know Erick Seva’s Facebook page, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Twitter account? Let’s check out:

TikTok creator under the name lifewitherick who is known for his use of video effects and editing on his lip sync videos. He has earned over 600,000 followers on the platform. He is also known for his YouTube channel LifeWithErick, where he posts vlogs weekly and occasionally does collaborations with fellow YouTubers. 

He created his first channel, FunWithErick, on February 22, 2012, but later moved to his LifeWithErick channel on June 18, 2013. He also had a channel called EGSandJVlogs with his best friend in middle school. 

During his childhood, he was very interested in film and photography, which led to his YouTube career. 

He was born in Quezon City, Philippines and moved to Queens, New York in 2010.

He had the opportunity to meet fellow YouTuber Russett. He became good friends with and Eric Mat. He and Leahallyannah recorded the video “The Pointless Book!” in October 2014.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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