James Monroe Age and Birthday

James Monroe Age and Birthday

Do you need to know James Monroe’s Age and Birthday date? James Monroe was born on 28 april, 1758 in Virginia.

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The fifth President of the United States and the final Founding Father to be elected to the office. He died on July 4th, making him the third president to die on the date.

He studied law under Jefferson before serving as an anti-federalist delegate from Virginia in the Continental Congress.

He was the last president from the Virginia Dynasty and the Republican Generation.

His parents, Spencer Monroe and Elizabeth Jones, were wealthy plantation owners. He was married to Monroe from 1786 until her death in 1830.

He was appointed Minister to France in 1794, a volatile time in the country’s history, and would be instrumental in Paine‘s release after Paine was arrested for publicly protesting XVI‘s execution.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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