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  • Priyanka Chopra Age and Birthday 1

    Priyanka Chopra Age and Birthday

    Are you interested in knowing Priyanka Chopra’s Age and Birthday date? Priyanka Chopra was born on 18 july, 1982 in India.

    How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts?…

  • Bollywood Celebrates Sonam Kapoor's 34th Birthday 2

    Bollywood Celebrates Sonam Kapoor’s 34th Birthday

    In the last days, Bollywood celebrated the birthday of one of its brilliant stars and a top fashion icon: Sonam Kapoor. The Bollywood actress is turning 34 years old in 2019 and since her debut – more than ten years ago – she has managed to achieve multiple successes and achievements when it comes to choosing the right roles, and presenting the Indian film industry outside of India – such as in Cannes film festival.…

  • Bollywood Celebrates the Birthdays of Dimple and Madhuri 3

    Bollywood Celebrates the Birthdays of Dimple and Madhuri

    The Indian film industry is now in the mood for celebrations as the grand actresses Dimple Kapadia and Madhuri Dixit are turning a year older in May and June. Dimple Kapadia is one of the most appreciated actresses of the older generation and til date she remains a beloved persona to many of the Indian audience.…