F Fitzgerald Age and Birthday

F Fitzgerald Age and Birthday

Do you want to know F Fitzgerald’s Age and Birthday date? F Fitzgerald was born on 24 september, 1896 in Minnesota.

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Jazz Age author of The Great Gatsby, member of The Lost Generation, and husband of the eccentric socialite Fitzgerald. His novels include This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, and Tender Is the Night.

He was so intelligent as a child that he was permitted to attend only a half-day of school, and he could decide which half. He later matriculated at Princeton University, but was put on academic probation when he spent more time writing fiction than concentrating on his studies.

Daisy Buchanan, a character in The Great Gatsby, became one of the most prominent heroines of modern literature.

He was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota to Mollie and Edward Fitzgerald. He was named after his distant cousin, the famous Scott Key. He later married Zelda Sayre

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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