Harry Houdini Age and Birthday

Harry Houdini Age and Birthday

Would you like to know Harry Houdini’s Age and Birthday date? Harry Houdini was born on 24 march, 1874 in Hungary.

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Iconic magician and escape artist whose most difficult stunt entailed escaping from handcuffs that took a locksmith five years to build.

In his youth, he took a job as a trapeze artist under the name Ehrich, the Prince of the Air, and was a successful cross-country runner.

A university student and a boxer named J. Gordon Whitehead tested Houdini’s immortality by striking him in the gut several times, which ruptured his appendix and killed him.

His parents were German Jews named Cecelia Weisz Steiner and Mayer Samuel Weisz. He was married to Houdini from 1894 until his death in 1926.

Copperfield purchased the entirety of Mulholland’s Houdini holdings from Mulholland’s estate in 1970.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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