Madame Curie Age and Birthday

Madame Curie Age and Birthday

Are you looking for Madame Curie’s Age and Birthday date? Madame Curie was born on 7 november, 1867 in Poland.

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Polish physicist and chemist who discovered two radioactive elements: radium and polonium. She became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1903 when she won the award for physics. In 1911, she won the award again for chemistry.

She was born poor because her family gave up their property during the Polish national uprisings.

She was the first female professor at the University of Paris, and the first person to win multiple Nobel Prizes.

Her real name is Marie Sklodowska Curie. She married Curie, a French physicist who shared the 1903 Nobel Prize with her, on July 26, 1895. The couple had two children, Joliot-Curie, who followed in her parents footsteps and became a scientist, and Ève Curie, who went on to become a writer.

Like Pauling, she was a chemist and earned the Nobel Peace Prize.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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