Do you want to know Rigels Rajku’s Age and Birthday date? Rigels Rajku was born on 27 september, 1986 in Albania.
How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Do you want to know Rigels Rajku’s Twitter account, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Facebook page? Let’s check out:
Best known by his stage name Noizy, he is a hip hop and rap artist who released his debut album under Zig Zag Records in 2008. Some of his most notable tracks include “OTR Me Zemër,” “Jena Mbretër,” “Histori e Gjatë,” and “Malet e Dibrës.”
He was an undefeated fighter, winning 15 out of 15 fights, in a competition called “StreetFight” and was declared the champion.
He released his second album in 2013. It featured 22 new songs with varying themes.
He was born in Sukth, Albania, but left Albania with his family to live in London in 1997. He has a sister.
He collaborated with on the song “Bow Down.”