Shira Lazar Age and Birthday

Shira Lazar Age and Birthday

Do you need to know Shira Lazar’s Age and Birthday date? Shira Lazar was born on 6 may, 1983 in Canada.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Do you need to know Shira Lazar’s Twitter account, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Facebook page? Let’s check out:

Creator and host of the popular YouTube channels What’s Trending and Partners Project who also runs an online production company called DISRUPT/GROUP. Additionally, she is a journalist who has written for, CBS News, and MSN.

She was a host of the College Sports Television program 1st Person in 2004 before becoming a host and producer for Music Plus TV.

She was an online red carpet event host for the 2011 Grammy Music Awards.

She was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and went to college in Boston, MA at  College. In 2014, she began dating Baker. 

She and Oakley co-hosted The Trevor Project’s Trevor Live red carpet livestream.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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