Sienna Fizz Age and Birthday

Sienna Fizz Age and Birthday

Are you interested in knowing Sienna Fizz’s Age and Birthday date? Sienna Fizz was born on 16 september, 2011 in England.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Are you interested in knowing Sienna Fizz’s Twitter account, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Facebook page? Let’s check out:

Star of the hit YouTube series  Fizz along with her older sister Their popular YouTube channel is dedicated to family-friendly vlogs, silly challenges and more, earning upwards of 240,000 subscribers and growing. In 2018, she appeared on  Big Shots.

They originally started out as Vegan Kid TV in July 2014, before later revamping their channel as Family Fizz to include games.

She has a personal channel called Super Sienna, which features game-related content. She and her sister Mia also have a secondary channel called the  Sisters.

Her parents and  also star on their Family Fizz YouTube channel. They also have a younger sister named

She is an English YouTube Star like Bates.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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