Tom Kenny Age and Birthday

Tom Kenny Age and Birthday

Do you know Tom Kenny’s Age and Birthday date? Tom Kenny was born on 13 july, 1962 in Newyork.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Do you know Tom Kenny’s Twitter account, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Facebook page? Let’s check out:

Voices the title character in one of Nickelodeon’s highest-rated shows,  SquarePants. He also narrates  Powerpuff Girls and provides the voice of Spyro in Spyro the Dragon and Ice King in  Time. Additionally, he voices numerous characters on The Cartoon Network series  Grandpa.  

He attended Bishop Grimes High School and became the lead vocalist for the local Syracuse band The Tearjerkers in the early ’80s. 

On top of voicing SpongeBob, he also voices a number of other characters on the show, including Gary the Snail, Patchy the Pirate, and the French-accented narrator, who is based on Cousteau. 

He married Talley in 1995. He has a son named Kenny and a daughter named Nora Kenny. 

He performed alongside Goldthwait in the New York-based band The Tearjerkers. 

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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