Ali Baluch Age and Birthday

Ali Baluch Age and Birthday

Are you looking for Ali Baluch’s Age and Birthday date? Ali Baluch was born on 22 september, 1989 in Virginia.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Are you looking for Ali Baluch’s Instagram profile, Facebook page, Youtube channel or Twitter account? Let’s check out:

Producer with the highly subscribed to YouTube channel FouseyTube since October of 2013. He has a huge following of over 10 million subscribers.

He graduated with an Associates Degree in Social Sciences from Northern Virginia Community College before heading to Chicago to study film at Tribeca Flashpoint Academy.

He worked as a staff assistant for the United States House of Representatives and as a Digital Operations Intern at Nickelodeon Animation Studios.

He was born in Fairfax, VA, and raised in Centreville by his mother and father, who were both born in Afghanistan. He has an older sister.

He works alongside Erakat, creator of FouseyTube.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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