Are you searching for Lamarr Wilson’s Age and Birthday date? Lamarr Wilson was born on 22 october, 1977 in Illinois.
How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Are you searching for Lamarr Wilson’s Facebook page, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Twitter account? Let’s check out:
2014 People’s Voice Webby Award Winner who is a contributing host for Mashable on the show YouTube Weekly. He has his own popular YouTube channel called wilsontech1 which reached over 1.6 million subscribers.
He previously worked as a technology retailer and as an elementary school teacher for 9 years. He then started his own technology consulting business in Chicago.
Upon joining the YouTube world in 2008, he was a daily vlogger who did tech videos before mixing in his comedic vlogs about his life.
He was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois before moving out to Los Angeles, California.
He collaborated on a video called “How to be Annoying on Twitter” with Lee.