Rosanna Pansino Age and Birthday

Rosanna Pansino Age and Birthday

Do you need to know Rosanna Pansino’s Age and Birthday date? Rosanna Pansino was born on 8 june, 1985 in Washington.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Do you need to know Rosanna Pansino’s Facebook page, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Twitter account? Let’s check out:

Creator of the hit YouTube baking show Nerdy Nummies who signed with Kin Community, one of the top multi-channel networks for women on YouTube. Her self-titled YouTube channel has earned over 10 million subscribers. She’d also star as Violet on the YouTube series Broken Quest.

She was an aspiring actress and was even featured in episodes of  and Recreation and  among other shows.

She starred as Sandy in a high school production of the musical Grease.

She has a younger sister named Her grandmother influenced her to become a baker. She began dating sportscaster  Lamond in 2012.

She, Phan, and Mota were the first YouTube stars to be featured in print and television advertisements to discuss their respective YouTube accounts.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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