Would you like to know Amarion Banks’s Age and Birthday date? Amarion Banks was born on 22 october, 2002 in Wisconsin.
How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Would you like to know Amarion Banks’s Twitter account, Instagram profile, Youtube channel or Facebook page? Let’s check out:
Popular on TikTok under the username of amarion.ly, he would become known for his lip-sync, dance and transition videos. He has earned more than 140,000 fans.
He started to use the TikTok app in July of 2015, back when it was still known as musical.ly.
BFF’d him on TikTok in June of 2017.
He has a twin brother named Amarri. Both his brother and sister have appeared on TikTok before. His cousin is fellow social star
He is followed on TikTok by Jones.