Michael Caine Age and Birthday

Michael Caine Age and Birthday

Would you like to know Michael Caine’s Age and Birthday date? Michael Caine was born on 14 march, 1933 in England.

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Across his fifty-year career, he has had roles in  Cider House Rules,  Italian Job, Get Carter,  The Secret Service and  Prestige. He played Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred Pennyworth in The Dark Knight Trilogy and appeared in Austin Powers in Goldmember.

He served in the Korean War for the British Army. He made his acting debut as Hindley, a drunk, in Wuthering Heights.

He was knighted in 2000. Though he often played a debonair tough man in his earlier days, he often played a wise mentor in his old age.

He married Caine in 1973 and he has a pair of daughters named Natasha and Dominique. He was previously married to actress Patricia Haines. His brother is Stanley Caine, a fellow actor.

Other than legendary actor Nicholson, he is the only actor to be nominated for an Academy Award in every decade from the 1960s to the 2000s.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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