Nancy Reagan Age and Birthday

Nancy Reagan Age and Birthday

Do you need to know Nancy Reagan’s Age and Birthday date? Nancy Reagan was born on 6 july, 1921 in Newyork.

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Former First Lady of the U.S who was married to President Reagan for 52 years. She was a well-known anti-drug advocate while in the White House.

She worked as a nurse’s aide and sales clerk after attending Smith College in Massachusetts, where she majored in English and drama and graduated in 1943.

She starred as Nancy Davis in several films in the 1940s and ’50s, including The Next Voice You Hear… (1950). She appeared in an episode of the popular 1980s sitcom  Strokes to promote her “Just Say No” anti-drug initiative.

She dated actors Gable, Stack, and Lawford before marrying future president Ronald Reagan in March 1952. She had two children, Patti and Jr., and two step-children,  and  

She began seeing Ronald Reagan after his divorce from actress Wyman.

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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