Nathan Gurd Age and Birthday

Nathan Gurd Age and Birthday

Are you searching for Nathan Gurd’s Age and Birthday date? Nathan Gurd was born on 22 june, 2002 in England.

How old is this celebrity? And what are his/her social media accounts? Are you searching for Nathan Gurd’s Instagram profile, Facebook page, Youtube channel or Twitter account? Let’s check out:

Up-and-coming singer who has performed and toured throughout the United Kingdom. In late 2015, he served as a support act for Devries.

He had his first breakthrough after posting a cover of Joy‘s “Riptide” onto his social media. The video quickly hit hundreds of thousands of views, which led to his first live public performance in May 2015.

He was featured on Channel Five News in the United Kingdom, discussing the issue of bullying which he has overcome to live his dream. He became a top ambassador for Bullying Charity Bullies Out.

He is from the city of Salisbury, located in the southern English county of Wiltshire.

He published a cover of the McCoy and Mars single “Billionaire.”

Written by Mary Anne

Mary Anne is our Marketing Team Leader. She writes about Social Networking News, Social Media Platforms and Marketing Trends.

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